Saturday, July 10, 2010

God Blows Our Socks Off... AGAIN!

Okay, where to start?!.... You know when you're just so overwhelmed with excitement & gratitude that you can barely get your thoughts together? That's me right now. My thoughts are jumping all over the place with what I want to say and I'm unsure of where to begin.

I guess a good place to start is with THANK YOU! The generosity, support, prayers, and encouragement we have received surrounding this adoption process from the beginning has truly been amazing! With the Adoption Auction closed now (besides the farmhouse in East Tenn. being open until tomorrow evening), both Joshua and I are able to take a step back and just say, "Wow!". We are humbled by the generosity of friends and family who both donated their services/items and those who placed bids! As of now, if the bid on the farmhouse stays at $600, the auction will have raised $1,455 to go towards our adoption savings! Is that not just crazy exciting?! This means that in the past two months God has provided a total of $5,014!!!! Yes, this makes my eyes tear up in amazement!

BUT WAIT! There's more!!! Believe it or not, God is at work in even more unique ways to fund this adoption! This past week in the middle of the craziness going on with the auction, I got an email from a former student of Joshua's. Her name is Kalisha and she was in his Joshua's class a couple years back when she was a sophomore.  She is quite possibly the sweetest girl ever! Anyway, she has completely blown us out of the water and offered to head up selling t-shirts with our "An Inexhaustible Love" logo on them! She has other MHS students of Joshua's that are willing to buy shirts to support our family and she has offered to take care of all the ordering & organizing that goes into selling these! Is that not just awesome of her?! Truly she is such a reminder of 1 Timothy 4:12 "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity."!

She wants our friends and family to be a part of this t-shirt fundraiser and so I'm getting the word out! If you are interested in buying a shirt, the cost is $20. She needs all orders received by July 15th so that we she can go ahead and place the order with the t-shirt company. If you live locally (the North Dallas area), once the shirts are received she is planning on setting up a day to be at McKinney High School for everyone to swing by and pick up your order. If you don't live locally and you would like one, I'll pick it up for you and gladly mail it your way! Wouldn't it be awesome if her creative way of helping us raise money totally blew her socks off too?! So let's help her, help us! (o;  If you are interested, please be in touch with Kalisha by email at

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