Monday, July 12, 2010

Getting Uncomfortable

Isn't it funny when it seems like every topic of conversation, every story you read, and every circumstance in life is all revolved around the same "theme"? Like God is desperately trying to grab a hold of your attention and reveal His truth in those moments?

Clearly God has been trying to get my attention over the past several months because again and again everything keeps coming back to "Love God, Love Others"! It all started with simply asking God to break our hearts for the things that break His. Take note... He answers prayers! Hence the whole adopting an orphan thing going on in our life right now! (o; God asks big things of us... things that aren't comfortable and stretch us. He tells us to love the unlovable, hold loosely to our worldly processions,  let go of our plans and trust His, give more then we have. He also promises to meet us in that place of being uncomfortable and bless us! 

Loving God and loving other's sounds easy and simple. It's not. But when we choose to trust and rely on God and not our own strength, we allow God to meet us. A sweet friend of mine, Becky, said it perfectly when she was talking about trusting God's will for her life... 

She said, "I felt my intuition change, which is a cool thing. It is kind of like walking in the rain. With the first drizzles, you run and try to cover yourself with your hands. You fight the drops. Then as you realize that your efforts are in vain you slow down, open your arms, and just let yourself get drenched. To me, that is what giving into God's will is like. It isn't always neat and clean, but it feels good.". 

I can't imagine missing out on these divine moments we've had over the past two months of watching God provide had we said no to the burden of adoption that He placed upon our hearts. I have to wonder how many times I've missed His blessings in the past out of fear of getting uncomfortable? I don't want to be a complacent Christian that lives the comfortable life. I want to be in a place of complete reliance allowing God to do His thing!  

So I'm asking you to get uncomfortable and trust. Does it look crazy sometimes? Sure. But Christ's love is pretty crazy. And sometimes you might find that getting uncomfortable feels really good. Asking God to break our hearts for the things that break His, flipped our world upside down... what might it do in your life? 

1 comment:

  1. God has been teaching us the exact same things. SO amazing how He reveals so much more when we trust and follow him. I am loving living out His call... it is the desire of my heart... and NEVER get too comfortable or we will miss something.


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