Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Mom & Hil Project

As most of you know already, because of FB, my latest endeavor is to make up some Africa shirts with my mom and auction them off to help with our adoption savings. I'd just like to say here real quick that my mom rocks! I know I bragged on my sister in the last post, but I've gotta say... my mom is right up there with my sis as one of my favorite ladies in the world! She is by far the most selfless, kind, patient, giving, & supportive mom I know! I could go on here about how much I love her, but I might start getting teary. Sniff, sniff, okay... so all that to say, she's super talented too when it comes to sewing and she's offered to help me make these shirts. Because, well... I'm not so super talented when it comes to sewing! (o;

I have 5 shirts in different sizes/colors and some cute fabric picked out already. My hope is to get these whipped up this upcoming week and post them here on the blog when they're done. If you see one you like, you can make a bid on it. I'll leave the bidding open for 48 hours for each shirt and whoever has the highest bid at the end gets it! Make sense? If this works and ya'll actually like the idea, then maybe we'll just keep making 'em and auctioning them off! (o: Figured it was worth a shot! I'll keep you posted when we get the shirts made up!


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