Since Joshua and I decided that the road to adoption was what God was leading us to do, we've been amazed over and over again at His handy work! We've truly been praying for God's direction in every step we take. We have no agenda of our own and we're asking God to take the lead. This obviously means that if He's in control...
we are not. Ugh, sometimes I stink at that part! I feel like I'm constantly going to God over and over again with my worries and doubts, and every time the same thing happens.... He brings peace!
A perfect example of this is last month (April 19th to be exact), it was a Monday night and I laid there in bed, eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling. One of those nights where your mind is just racing and you can't turn it off. The fears that bombarded me regarding this adoption were overwhelming. Doubts and anxieties about what the next step should be and all the unknowns just kept creeping into my thoughts. Joshua noticed that I was tossing and turning and asked if I wanted to pray. I gladly took him up on that offer and literally kept him up until midnight praying and begging God to reassure me
to have faith and to trust Him. At this point, very few people knew of this unexpected burden to adopt that we felt the Holy Spirit had laid on our hearts. So you can only imagine my surprise the next morning when I got this email from a long-time friend of mine, Chad, who I hadn't spoken with in over two years. (Besides our little facebook comments on family photos here and there. Does that even count as staying in touch these days?)
Here is what it said:
Subject: Super Random and Short
so, as i was praying this morning, the Spirit put your name on my heart. I feel compelled to tell you that your faith is such a great example to so many people around you. I have admired you for so many years when it comes to
putting your trust and hope into Christ. Kackie and I are blessed to have you as a friend!
As said in my subject line, I realize this is random and short. But I'm sure I feel called to send you this for a reason (even though I may not know what it is). I hope you are encouraged!
-chad "
As I read his email I teared up, in awe of God. It was exactly what I had begged God to reassure me of! I was so grateful that Chad was obedient to the Holy Spirit's leading and it served as such a reminder to me to do the same when someone is on my heart. I guess one could chalk it up to coincidence that I received an email the very next morning answering exactly what I came to God with... But for me, I can say with confidence that God answers prayers, and He is real, and He is working in our lives!
It was that day, Tuesday, April 20th, that Joshua and I decided we would step out in faith and share what God was doing in our lives by sending out a Helms Happenings update letter. And so another step in the journey was taken. Thanks Chad for being a part of our story and being used by God!
There is oh so much more of His handy work to tell since that Tuesday answer to prayer... but I'll save it for the next couple posts!