Thursday, March 10, 2011

Many Thanks and My Car Ride with Jude

Can I just say THANK YOU  to everyone who has graciously reached out with words of encouragement, prayers, and support?! You're willingness to spread the word about this petition and take the time to sign it, means the world to us! We know many of you that have gone out of your way to do this, don't have connections to Ethiopia or invested emotions there, and could have easily overlooked this petition- but you didn't! And so please know we are grateful and it truly does matter!!!  Your signature holds the hope that could potentially change the Ministry's decision and save thousands of legitimate orphan's who need a home!

Yesterday while in the car with Jude, out of nowhere he asked, "What is going on in Opia today mom?". Somewhat taken back, because I knew he hadn't heard Joshua and I talk about the possible turn of events in front of him, I asked, as I turned down the radio, "What do you mean bud?". He repeated himself again, "I said, what is going on in Opia today?". So after a long pause of trying to gather my thoughts and explain to my little 3 year old (almost 4 year old, he'd want you to know!), a pretty confusing situation - I said, "Well.... some pretty important people over there are about to make some BIG choices, and we need to pray that they make a GOOD CHOICE for all the kiddo's who need mommy's and daddy's that are there!". To which I hear him sigh and say, "Oh... do we still get to get Isa mama?".  At this point, I got the ache in the back of my throat, the kind you get before you're about to tear up. You see, I know my tender hearted boy gets upset if he sees me cry- so, with my big ole' sun glasses on, I kept looking straight ahead down the road, blinking like crazy- thinking it would make the tears go away, no such luck. I realized in this short quite moment before answering him, that I'm just a mama with a lot of questions too... but God used this moment to reassure me that indeed, Isa is still our son! So I mustered up my confident, non-cry voice, and said, "You know what Jude, YES we still get to get Isa! I don't know when and I don't know how it's all going to play out- but God knows, and He'll lead the way!". And while I looked up into the rearview mirror to see my sweet boy staring back at me, he said, "We should pray mom! ". I swear I'm convinced that my boy has a direct connection with God crammed into his little body! "That's a great idea bud, let's pray!"... and so we did.

In the midst of uncertainty God's sovereignty is our certainty!


  1. oh, this post.

  2. That's awesome. It does sound like he has a connection. What a blessing.

  3. Love the Jude man...he is the sweetest!! Love that last line in your post too!! :)

  4. From the mouths of babes...

    What a tender heart Jude has. That comes from a tender momma teaching her son about the love of the Lord!

  5. brought tears to my eyes...only i forgot to throw my sunglasses on. thanks for sharing such a wonderful moment.

  6. What a sweet, sweet boy! I love the last line of this post. So true!

  7. THE most beautiful your heart Hillary and LOVE your boys heart too!


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